The internet has become such a worldwide phenomenon obsessive life controlling brilliant crazed existence. Many of my friends have talked about the greatness that is the "blogging world." I never got into this whole reading into other people's lives and never talking to them about whatever it may be that they are dealing with in life. BUT, I kept hearing more about it, and yes, I too have jumped on the bandwagon. Why? To fit in? Yep, that is exactly it. No shame here. I want to be cool just like the rest of you. So I did it. I was actually inspired by my dear friend Kate. She decided to start one for the new year, and I decided to copy her. Originality, I think not! Conformity, yes please!
I decided to name the blog "Shoh's Shorts." (Pronounced Show's Shorts) Where did this distinguished name come about you may ask? Well, to disguise my blog from my students and other fellow people(parents of students) I may encounter at work, I decided to shorten my middle name Shohrae to Shoh, and use it as part of the name for the blog. I plan to give you riveting life changing short stories about random crazy events that happen in my life. (Hence the "short" aspect of the title.) Buckle your belts and hold on to your seats people, because you're in for an exhilarating ride here with Shoh's Shorts. Will you cry, laugh, scream, eat, press "X", mourn, sing for joy, hurt, or smile while reading this blog? Possibly, but who knows. This could be the beginning of what may be success! The emotion you experience is in the eye of the blogette.
(Blogette [blah-ghett]- term coined to define a person who reads blogs.)
you're a goof. It's why we get along well. :)